It's time for another get together, this time at the Sandringham Community Center on Kitchener St next Monday 27th starting at 6:30pm.
We will use the first hour from 6:30-7:30 to catch up with what's been happening since we last met.
At 7.30pm we have a presentation from Duncan Ecob* and Ginny Pedlow from Isthmus group's Urban Design arm.They are working on an urban master planning project which includes the Sandringham area. We have invited them along to find out more about what they are doing, what will happen with their work and to see how SPiCE can advocate for Sandringham/ get involved in the process.
Background Bio for Duncan
*Duncan Ecob- Principal @ Isthmus. Auckland Studio
BA(Hons) LA, Grad Dip LA, MA UrbDes, CMLI (UK)
Duncan is an Urban Designer.
He has over twenty eight years experience in designing and delivering regeneration in the built environment. He leads the Place service of Isthmus, with a focus on Urban Design and Masterplans, "creating healthy neighbourhoods for communities to live, work, learn, play and thrive in". (Isthmus website)